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Faster loan application and approval process.
Offering an easy, headache-free payment process.
Offering reliable, safe and secure transactions
You Will be in Good Company
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3 Stars
"Whenever you are talking to First Money staff you feel the love, they take your burden to be theirs and come up with the best solution."
Kuedza group
"You come and collect your money in the morning I want to restock where will I get the money, what if I have an emergency I won’t have any money to attend to such things, thank you First money for making our lives easier."
Kubatana Group
"My previous funder used to leave me with money to purchase stock but now I can pay my daily instalments, home expenses and go home with money for the next day’s stock."
Our Partners
A range of easily accessible loans. We are your financial partner for success.
We count on our most reputable and highly qualified Business Development Officers in the sector, leveraging on financial, banking, microfinance and entrepreneurship expertise.